
The AEPN Blog

Marchers with signs at the March on Washington 1963

Black History: 50 Years of Progress in U.S. Politics

Black History Month has been celebrated by Americans every February in the US since 1976. The celebration, also known as African American History Month, was officially recognized when President Gerald Ford called upon his fellow citizens to “seize the opportunity to honor the too-often neglected accomplishments of Black Americans in every area of endeavor throughout our history.”

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How much do you know about redistricting?

In America, elections should reflect the will of the people, not elected officials. We all want our voices to be heard in determining the future of our communities.

Alabama Election Protection Network is working to ensure a fair, accurate process for drawing district boundaries that puts our communities, and not the needs of elected officials, first.

Let's see how much you know about redistricting!

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